If you’re looking for Minecraft color codes, look no further. We’re sharing a list of Minecraft color codes as well as Minecraft format codes that you can use in chat as well as for game commands.
In case you didn’t know, color codes can be used to change the color of text within the game. It can also be used when assigning team colors, and more.
Format codes can be used to modify how text within the game appears (such as bold or italic).
Minecraft Color Codes
Scroll to the end of the table if you need definitions for the different names (such as MOTD code).
NOTE: If you’re on mobile, scroll to see the entire table.
Color & Name | Chat Code | MOTD Code | Decimal | Hex Code |
Black (black) | §0 | \u00A70 | 0 | #000000 |
Color & Name | Chat Code | MOTD Code | Decimal | Hex Code |
Dark Gray (dark_gray) | §8 | \u00A78 | 5592405 | #555555 |
Color & Name | Chat Code | MOTD Code | Decimal | Hex Code |
Gray (gray) | §7 | \u00A77 | 11184810 | #AAAAAA |
Color & Name | Chat Code | MOTD Code | Decimal | Hex Code |
White (white) | §f | \u00A7f | 16777215 | #FFFFFF |
Color & Name | Chat Code | MOTD Code | Decimal | Hex Code |
Dark Purple (dark_purple) | §5 | \u00A75 | 11141290 | #AA00AA |
Color & Name | Chat Code | MOTD Code | Decimal | Hex Code |
Light Purple (light_purple) | §d | \u00A7d | 16733695 | #FF55FF |
Color & Name | Chat Code | MOTD Code | Decimal | Hex Code |
Blue (blue) | §9 | \u00A79 | 5592575 | #5555FF |
Color & Name | Chat Code | MOTD Code | Decimal | Hex Code |
Dark Blue (dark_blue) | §1 | \u00A71 | 170 | #0000AA |
Color & Name | Chat Code | MOTD Code | Decimal | Hex Code |
Dark Aqua (dark_aqua) | §3 | \u00A73 | 43690 | #00AAAA |
Color & Name | Chat Code | MOTD Code | Decimal | Hex Code |
Aqua (aqua) | §b | \u00A7b | 5636095 | #55FFFF |
Color & Name | Chat Code | MOTD Code | Decimal | Hex Code |
Green (green) | §a | \u00A7a | 5635925 | #55FF55 |
Color & Name | Chat Code | MOTD Code | Decimal | Hex Code |
Dark Green (dark_green) | §2 | \u00A72 | 43520 | #00AA00 |
Color & Name | Chat Code | MOTD Code | Decimal | Hex Code |
Yellow (yellow) | §e | \u00A7e | 16777045 | #FFFF55 |
Color & Name | Chat Code | MOTD Code | Decimal | Hex Code |
Gold (gold) | §6 | \u00A76 | 16755200 | #FFAA00 |
Color & Name | Chat Code | MOTD Code | Decimal | Hex Code |
Red (red) | §c | \u00A7c | 16733525 | #FF5555 |
Color & Name | Chat Code | MOTD Code | Decimal | Hex Code |
Dark Red (dark_red) | §4 | \u00A74 | 11141120 | AA0000 |
Table Definitions
Below are the definitions for the items included in the table:
- Color & Name: the color name and the name for the color in Minecraft.
- Chat Code: the code for the chat color.
- MOTD Code: the code for the “message of the day.”
- Decimal: the decimal value for the color.
- Hex Code: the hexadecimal value for the color.
How to Find the Section Symbol (§)
If you’re unfamiliar with the § symbol it’s actually called the section symbol. Check out the article on Alphr that shows you how to find the symbol on iPhone, Android, Windows, and Mac.
Minecraft Format Codes
As mentioned earlier, here are the Minecraft format codes. Use these codes to make your text bold, to underline text and more.
Description | Chat Code | MOTD Code |
Obfuscated | §k | \u00A7k |
Bold | §l | \u00A7l |
§m | \u00A7m | |
Underline | §n | \u00A7n |
Italic | §o | \u00A7o |
Reset the default color | §r | \u00A7r |

We hope you’ve found this complete list of Minecraft color codes and format codes helpful. Happy gaming!
Minecraft Build Ideas
If you’re looking for awesome Minecraft build ideas, make sure you check out the following articles: