There’s something strangely satisfying about building a hobbit hole in Minecraft. It might be the way the round doors and windows look nestled into a hillside or the cozy feel of the interiors with their wood paneling and stone fireplaces.
A hobbit hole is a small, cozy home that is built into the side of a hill or mountain. These homes are often hidden away and difficult to find, which is why they are perfect for the reclusive creatures known as Hobbits.
Hobbit holes typically have round doors and windows and are decorated with colorful gardens and stone walkways. Building a hobbit hole is a great way to add some variety to your Minecraft world. And luckily, there are plenty of great tutorials and ideas out there to help you get started.
Whether you want to build a simple one-room cottage or a sprawling multi-level hobbit hole, you’ll find all the inspiration you need to get started.
Hobbit Hole with Large Windows

If you’re looking for a simple and fun project to work on, this hobbit hole is beginner-friendly. It features two large windows on the side and a garden that you can tend to.
Hobbit Hole Exterior

If you’re looking for an awesome hobbit hole exterior, I love this build. Shaders: BSL v7 Texturepack: fWhip 1.16 / Enhanced Biomes River and Pond. You can see the interior on Instagram.
Winter Hobbit Hole

When the winter comes around, consider building a cozy winter hobbit hole. Shaders: BSL v8 Texturepacks: fWhip 1.16 / Enhanced Biomes River and Pond / Vanilla Tweaks / Jermz Better Leaves.
Hobbit Shire

Here’s a small hobbit hole that is a part of a shire (includes two houses so far). This building will house a hobbit farmer that’s selling this season’s harvest.
Modern Hobbit Hole

Yes, you can have a modern hobbit hole. This cozy survival hobbit hole is made of quartz and terracotta. I really love the look of this house.
Sage Hobbit Hole

This is the creator’s first-ever hobbit hole. I think that they did a great job with it. The house is surrounded by flowers, green grass, and more.
Hobbit House in the Hills

Learn how to build this hobbit house in the hills. This house includes a fireplace and chimney, a large green door, and two windows.
Hobbit Hole

If you’re looking for a fun project that will keep you entertained for hours on end, I highly recommend building a hobbit hole. Not only is it a rewarding project, but it’s also the perfect place to escape to when you need some peace and quiet. Shader: BSL v.8 Version: 1.18.1 Pack: Fun in the Sun
Hobbit Hole House

Here’s a unique take on the classic hobbit hole house. Thankfully, there’s a tutorial on YouTube that goes over how to build this house.
Three Blue Doors

The creator, Minecraft Sekai, has a video tutorial showing you how to build a Hobbit hole, both the entrance and the interior, complete with a furniture design.
Beekeeper Hobbit Build

If you look closely, you can actually see beehive boxes throughout the property. That’s why this is called a “beekeeper hobbit build.” Shaders: BSL Texturepack: Custom Lilac Texture Hotel: Trivago.
Starter Hobbit Hole for Survival

In this Minecraft build tutorial, you’ll learn how to build a simple and cozy Hobbit House. It’s perfect for survival and fits well on any hill. Ressourcepack: Default Shader: BSL Shaders.
Cozy Hobbit Hole

This hobbit hole features plenty of windows and a chimney and is surrounded by beautiful trees and flowers. It also sits on the lake, making it the perfect cozy location.
Simple Starter Hobbit Hole

Mythical Sausage has gone ahead and made a simple starter hobbit hole. Check out their YouTube channel to see a collection of hobbit hole tutorials.
Epic Minecraft Hobbit Hole

This hobbit hole is definitely epic. Learn how to build an epic Minecraft hobbit hole that includes a sleeping area, smelting, enchanting, brewing, storage, workstation, crops, and a bee farm.
Hobbit Hole Base

For Minecraft players who are looking to try something new, you’ll love this hobbit hole base. This type of base is perfect for players who want to add a touch of fantasy to their game.
Red Hobbit Hole

Here’s a hobbit hole that’s creative and unique. This is my first time seeing a red hobbit hole and I really like it. Think about what colors you could use when building yours.
Hobbit Hole on Side of the Hill

Build your hobbit hole in the side of a hill. This house has a beautiful exterior as well as a nice interior. Texturepack: x32 Faithful Shaders: BSL.
House on a Hill

This is a simple and cozy hobbit house that can be easily built on any hill. Be sure to add a garden and plenty of flowers, trees, and bushes.
If you’re looking for a new and exciting project to add some variety to your Minecraft world, try building a hobbit hole. You might end up liking it so much that you decide to make your hobbit hole your permanent home.
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